3 Common DNS attack types and How to Fight Them

Do you want to learn more about DNS attack types? If the answer is yes, you are in the right place. In this article today, we will explore the 3 common ones and how to fight them. But first, let’s explain what a DNS attack actually is.

What does a DNS attack mean?

DNS was designed to reply to queries correctly and efficiently, not questioning their intent. As a result, DNS has significant flaws and the potential to be used as a conduit for cyber-attacks. So, we can say that a DNS attack occurs when hackers take advantage of weaknesses in the Domain Name System (DNS).

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What is DNS cache poisoning (DNS spoofing)?

For everybody, just the words “spoofing” and “poisoning” can cause goosebumps rising all over the body. When it’s about DNS service providers, administrators, or online business owners, they are scary threats. The risk is real, and understanding it is vital for protecting your clients and your business.

What is cache poisoning (DNS spoofing)

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