Get familiar with DNSSEC

The creation of the Domain Name System (DNS) was key to the Internet’s evolution and growth. It was created in 1983 and by 1986 it became an Internet standard. It came to life for making easier the use of the Internet. Thanks to DNS, users could use easy and memorable names to request their favorite domains, instead of typing hard strings of numbers (IP addresses) for the same purpose.

Currently, knowing the security threats that Internet can mean, it can be hard to believe that security for the DNS to operate was not a primary priority when it was designed. But almost four decades ago, the network of networks was quite smaller. Developers of course forecasted its growth, but it happened very fast. And with its success, the need of making it secure arose.

What is DNSSEC?

Domain name system security extensions or DNSSEC is a set of protocols used to protect the security of the DNS and offer a cryptographic solution for authenticating domains. Together, these protocols build a security layer to make lookups and communication (exchange) processes safe for Internet users.

DNSSEC verifies data and the authoritative server through a system that includes public and keys.

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3 Common DNS attack types and How to Fight Them

Do you want to learn more about DNS attack types? If the answer is yes, you are in the right place. In this article today, we will explore the 3 common ones and how to fight them. But first, let’s explain what a DNS attack actually is.

What does a DNS attack mean?

DNS was designed to reply to queries correctly and efficiently, not questioning their intent. As a result, DNS has significant flaws and the potential to be used as a conduit for cyber-attacks. So, we can say that a DNS attack occurs when hackers take advantage of weaknesses in the Domain Name System (DNS).

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DNS Monitoring as an essential part of your Monitoring service

What is DNS Monitoring?

DNS Monitoring is an essential part of your network Monitoring service. Its purpose is to guarantee the security and proper connection between the users and the website or service that they are visiting. 

DNS Monitoring is very helpful for finding issues fast, identifying possible security breaches, or preventing some malicious attacks. It involves regular checks of the DNS records for any unexpected modifications or localizing DNS outages. That way, if an issue that will have a negative effect on your website or service is identified, it can be quickly resolved. 

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DKIM record – What is it and how does it work?

What is a DKIM record?

Domain Keys Identified Mail, or DKIM record, is a TXT DNS record that proves that the emails sent from the domain are legit. That happens through cryptographic authentication. The DNS administrator of a domain is able to set it. On the other side, the receiver could also use the DKIM record and make a DNS query for the domain to check the sender utilizing the information in the header. 

You could view the public key inside the DKIM record that the receiver is going to use to check the message.

How to check DKIM records?

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Primary DNS server explained

DNS is a network of name servers with a tree-like structure that makes them work together to resolve domain names to their IP addresses. They do it, so billions of users can enjoy the Internet the way it is right now. One of the key elements that allows it is the DNS delegation. One higher-level server can delegate a part of the namespace to a lower DNS name server, and that way, it became the Primary DNS server for the zone it got delegated. 

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DNS TXT record explained

Domain name system (DNS) records look like small components, but their role is really important. Those small pieces of data accomplish specific purposes. They are key for the Internet’s performance and its permanent interaction with domains.

Here you have what is important to know about the DNS TXT record.

What is the DNS TXT record?

TXT or text records are the ones that have text format data for external sources. This means sources outside domains like yours. Usually, on these records, you can find general domain information but also key data required for validation. Through TXT records, ownership of a domain can be verified, data for e-mailing can be validated, etc. 

This type of record was created for human-readable notes for administrators. But since text has become a common language for machines too, it is readable and understandable for both. This advantage makes DNS TXT records a vital tool for administrators to give instructions to machines through entering text into the DNS. 

How to create a DNS TXT record?

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What is DNS PoP?

PoP stands for point of presence, and it refers to the physical presence inside a location (usually data center) where multiple connected devices or networks share a connection and space.

Perhaps, most people relate PoP to the ISP PoPs (Internet service provider points of presence). It is the access point through the one users can connect to the Internet of their corresponding ISP. Big networks usually have many more PoPs.

PoPs usually involve different interface hardware necessary to operate (routers, switches, servers, multiplexers, etc.), and they are physically located in data centers.

Talking specifically of DNS PoP (Domain Name System Point of Presence), it is every spot where the DNS provider has a DNS server or servers, and users can set an authoritative name server for their domain name. The user can choose DNS PoPs included in the DNS provider’s network (different locations) to establish their CDN (Content Delivery Network). 

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DNS lookup – Why is it important?

When we think about building a website, we often neglect the DNS. Not that we don’t care about the speed. We are thinking about web site’s theme, menus, plugins, and somehow one key component for fast loading sites, the DNS lookup, often is forgotten. Let’s see why the DNS lookup is so important.

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DNS propagation – Everything you need to know

DNS propagation is a process that requires time, and you probably wonder what is happening during it. So let’s explain a little bit more about it.  

DNS propagation explained 

DNS propagation is a process that includes updating the modifications that you make in your DNS. When you create new DNS records or edit your existing ones, all of them are stored in the authoritative DNS name server. 

Although there are many DNS servers on the network. Such as the recursive ones, which are located at various points of the planet. Every one of them has to be updated for the modifications to function properly. It is important to remember that all of these servers are going to be elements of the DNS resolution process.

DNS propagation is the time that it will be needed to propagate, to update the modifications to all of the recursive servers.

How to speed up DNS propagation?

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5 most popular Nslookup commands

Nslookup is one very simple network tool, but with the big advantage that it comes pre-built on almost any OS, including different Linux distros, macOS, other Unix-based OSes, and Windows too.

You can use it for different network diagnostics and domain probing, but the 5 most popular nslookup commands are these:

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